时间:2007/7/26 16:55:11
近日,Adam Lasnik在Google网站管理员中心的Blog上发布了一篇名为Deftly dealing with duplicate content的文章,介绍了Google对duplicate content的定义及应对策略,以及在网站建设中如何避免出现duplicate content。
1、Google对于对duplicate content:
In the rare cases in which we perceive that duplicate content may be shown with intent to manipulate our rankings and deceive our users, we’ll also make appropriate adjustments in the indexing and ranking of the sites involved.
之前,虽然很多人认为并观察到了因duplicate content引起的惩罚,不过,在Google的官方表述中,一直在说对于duplicate content,Google只会从不同的重复内容版本中挑选中其认为最合适的版本在SERP中显示,对网站的影响也仅限于Google挑选出的版本可能并非网站建设者想要展示给用户的版本。这次则首次明确提出Google会“adjust”包括网页收录及排名——还是之前Google官方便有类似的表述而本人没看到?——尽管只承认是在“the rare cases”。
2、对于网站内容被抄袭引发的“duplicate content”——事实上这一直是网站建设者极其关心的问题,之前我们曾在复制转载会影响原始网页的权威性么?也进行过类似的探讨——Adam Lasnik则认为:
Don’t fret too much about sites that scrape (misappropriate and republish) your content. Though annoying, it’s highly unlikely that such sites can negatively impact your site’s presence in Google. If you do spot a case that’s particularly frustrating, you are welcome to file a DMCA request to claim ownership of the content and have us deal with the rogue site.
乍看似乎很乐观,但真的可以放心么?或者说,至少在Google中,复制转载不会影响原始网页的权威性? 答案恐怕不那么肯定,要不,Adam Lasnik也不会给出使用DMCA的选择了。——虽然在这方面,Google是做得最好的搜索引擎。